Comparing Oregon and California Pinot Noirs

June 14th, 2019|Pinot Noir|

Realizing that Pinot noir wine is not usually derived from a single vine but a multitude of differing clones of Pinot, it has become apparent that the Pinot noir wines one acquires from differing geographic areas at times have differing characteristics of flavor, aroma, fragrance and mouthfeel. Thus, Pinot noir reflects the environment of its

Romancing the Clones

April 23rd, 2019|Pinot Noir|

Many of you are aware that at Ardiri Winery, our wines contain a blending of several clones of Pinot Noir that enhance the experience of enjoying our wines. Pinot Noir is the famous red grape of Burgundy, France. It is often considered to have arisen in southern Gaul (now France) about the time of the

The Interesting Genetics of Pinot Noir

March 17th, 2019|Pinot Noir|

Until the development of DNA sequencing, the best evidence for varietal origin of Pinot Noir came from physical comparison of the leaves and fruit of the vines with others, called "Ampelography." Such data, for example, was very useful when cultivars diverged from a common ancestor via a mutation in the DNA of the vine. So, for